The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Ofc it won't get better if you print 120-150 billion dollars each month

I love how all the executives dumb it down and explained it in layman terms so that all these government boomers understand Crypto.

When the big gamblers on the Wall Street sucking tax blood money from Fed are stopped. When unregulated shadow banks like BlackRock are in incharge of both Fed and stock markets  - bubbles will keep blowing.

ARK left PLTR. Great products but need new CEO.

We want low prices, but we dont want our products produced in China (where there is cheap labor). We want a low priced cake, from a high paid American baker, and we want to EAT IT TOO!

Core cpi tracks inflation minus food and energy and that's the inflation metric cited when they tell you inflation is only 6%... As if we don't need food and energy  pfffffff  Don't even get me started on hedonic adjustments.... The info is all there, we just need to look.

ARK left PLTR. Great products but need new CEO.

Tesla has not  been truthful about the demand. The demand that they've claimed is just not there. They pulled that trick out of Henry Ford's bag, create demand by claiming high demand. Right now  banks are about to stop lending money on car loans over 50K because they are overloaded now with repos. My guess is that a ton of those orders for teslas have been cancelled by the banks.Now that GM has lowered the Bolt to just $26K, it'll be interesting to see if Tesla can survive.

Unsustainable interests rates still shouldn't have crashed this early , plus they more than that in fees  providing liquidity on exchanges.  Plus the company was dissolved prior to this engagement, somethings off with this guy. And he knew things were going to go south.

bingo at 11:00 minutes, hmm we need to strengthen the workforce in America, too much power to various companies and employers who export American job labor and now are anti-union. If the minimum wage had matched inflation from 1968 we would be looking at 2021 rate of $25 per hour to allow persons in America, to afford to save for homes, rent cheap, save for emergencies and generate wealth for all Americans but with the minimum at $7.25, we have a poverty wage and over 40%of the American workforce is living pay check to paycheck, millions fell into poverty in 2020 pandemic. The freakin child tax credit literally lifted some 20 million-plus children out of food insecurity.  Too many hedge funds and private equity firms driving up housing, rentals across America in all 50 states, and we are about to remove 455,000 truck drivers off the roads in less than 10 years with automated trucks, is one another example of millions of families being affected with job changes and the economic change of America in the 21st century.

Most times it amazes me greatly the way I moved from an average lifestyle to earning over 63k per month, utter shock is the word. I have understood a lot in the past few years to doubt that opportunities abound in the financial markets, The only thing is to know where to focus .

TULIPS!  TULIPS! TULIPS!  COME GET YOUR TULIPS! Theyre not even trying to sell the fugazi.  Lol ? Crypto is web 3.0?   Our leadership is dumber than rocks.  Some things never change.  How many have been paid to push this BS story this along?