The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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zero chance as long as Fed is serving its masters on wall street - the Goldmans, the Morgans and the BlackRocks

The next 1000x BSC gem - Angry Floki. Do not miss out on itits the next big thing in crypto!!!!

7:56 Ah hints of the psychopathic economic view that unemployment is desired. That it's a policy tool to control inflation.

Really nothing new has been said here. Is there a risk of overvaluation in the market? Then, diversify your positions. That's investing 101.

Gov should ban crypto it is sucking liquidity ,

*Senator:* "but if you don't sell a product, then how do you make money!?!?!?"  *Bogdanoff:* "Senator......we pull rugs"

No one earns 20% year over year. That#39s what sucked Madoff#39s fools in. If any group is claiming to make consistently well above market gains they are lying criminals.

Tesla is not in a bubble if you know the company deeply (30.5% gross margin is unheard of in auto industry).  was wrong and said overvalued when it was $17 and now in $1050.

This  would be so much better if they were treating the fed as the criminal organization they are instead of can them help do this or do that ... but sure I forgot the channel too is a part of the criminal organization... simply put they skimmed off the top and robbed middle class blind through years of money printing

Something is going on in the world  and dealing with the sells of idea

Unsustainable interests rates still shouldn't have crashed this early , plus they more than that in fees  providing liquidity on exchanges.  Plus the company was dissolved prior to this engagement, somethings off with this guy. And he knew things were going to go south.

Buy #DBA TOKEN now this is your last opportunity

Musk knows his stock is coming down, he's probably shorting his own stock (covering his own ass) and then blame the economy.