The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Can The Inflation Crisis In The U.S. Be Stopped?  Not if Biden keeps handing out money to people who can but choose to not work, and the Fed keeps feeding new money into the economy with its bond purchases, and more money is continually pushed into the economy from Congresss bloated and mostly unnecessary trillion dollar spending bills.  More money in the system chasing the purchase of a scarcity of products = inflationary pressures.  We should have all known from the start that their spin on it using the word 'Transitory' was another lie.

This is part of the business cycle and fed's interference. Weak economy will pressure the fed to release the printers again.

Bit coin just makes inflation  worst taken liquidity out of the market and forcing the fed to print more money till we get 3 rd world  economy

Oceania area are more inclined to receive vaccination and continue to work, hence labour participation is better. I like  s mostly but this  is poorly done and from the start, the stance that the lady from Quill intelligence is to bash the Fed. This  should be renamed - Inflation - Bash the Fed@ I think you guys has chosen a guest that is overly critical of the Fed. That lady from Quill intelligence sound likes the US Fed owns every darn problem she mentioned. In Australia and Asia, are there any significant inflation spikes like Europe and US ? No. Most of the Supply chain is in Asia. In Australia, their energy prices are stable because they harness solar energy. People in the Asia

Pretty dishonest reporting when you state that a stock's dip is based on its high while showing a chart that shows it's value trading way higher year on year. Maybe get rid of the graph to help you seem more credible.

This guy single-handedly made me believe in Tether, which is what I#39m using now. I realized that it is an actual stablecoin that will not be able to collapse being fully collateralized.

Friday CPI report is going to be a bloodbath for the market

To AOC that throws softballs on these CEOs: if I will be living in a society where everybody is an opportunist trading cryptos, I would rather DIE. Thank you.


Last time Elon and Dorsey gave us a warning it was 2 months early and hyper inflation was the warning., why's nobody asking who that Hedgfond is? Scoring a Billion by allegedly coordinating an attack. What like 30sec of coverage in the vid. Reckon there're quite a few people who felt pretty good seeing it collapse. And the FUD about crypto goes on.  brLuna got blackrocked...

If only you know what the future says, you'll know that indeed cryptocurrency is the future, investing in it now will be the wisest thing to do. Hold!!! And you"'ll thank yourself

An advisor in the 80s once told me I and my colleagues at work that the only way never to go broke trading was to buy good companies .miss Anita of blessed memory then asked him how know good companies ? This question is still lingering in my mind

As a landlord with multiple fixed rates mortgages, I really, really like inflation.