The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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That's right RISK that's the one, oceans of liquidity yer, who is this guy I want to follow  Yer Opportoonity man  No the market is going g to crash no one wants to be the last holding the bag. Crypto gona crash too.

gallon of petrol in America This really will make  Vice President   Harris giggle when she is asked why -  can't ask Biden he doesn't know what day it isBefore the Weimar Republic  collapsed, the inflation was exponential in Germany paving the way for the rise of Herr Hitler Soon they will be paying $US100

We have a more serious problem. PS5 shortage.........

 has conspicuously omitted questions about Bitcoin in their last few interviews with him.   has mentioned a price target of 100K on several occasions in 2021 so I assume that's why the subject isn't being discussed further. I consider the avoidance of Bitcoin a good sign, since I have been shorting it via BITO puts for the last month, and doing well. Contrary to , my target price is the sub-40K area over the next month.

the dolor is spreading. that's what you get for messing around

Feds should have raised interest years ago....tapering off won't do a dam thing.

The problem is theyre not measuring inflation properly. CPI is not an accurate metric. Real inflation includes items people actually buy on a daily basis, not some theoretical basket of goods and services.

As Peter Schiff would say, you cannot put the inflation genie back into the lamp.

Most cryptos have no real use case. The rest are great but realistically I'm not sure the banks will let crypto flourish as it's competition for them

I can say McHenry did his homework. He is quite knowledgeable about the topic.

As usual  knows what he's talking about.  He's got one eye on the markets & one eye on inflation.  Following his advice over the years has allowed me early retirement as a Physician.  Panicked overreaction from myopic short-term investors & meme-stock gamblers creates a multitude of great dip buying opportunities as stocks go on sale.  This is when we long-term investors in quality companies simply keep adding to our positions in increments on the way down & then just sit back & wait 4 the eventual bounce back up.  Thankfully this won't be the last variant to spook the markets, "Pi" is on the horizon & also won't end the world while it creates another buying opportunity.  Thanks again for helping me retire early !

Like Facebook. Congressmen don't want to seem retrograde. Only 4 serious questions:(  play to earn, what is that? Nft?... Pump coming