USD Breaking News: U.S. Dollar Fades on ISM Manufacturing PMI Miss

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:44 PM

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This so called "bubble burst" was not the first time I'm hearing about Bitcoin. I heard this in 2017-18 as well and stopped myself from buying and now I'm regretting

hey guys remember when you wanted minimum wage to be 15 bucks an hour? remember when we all warned you prices would go up? now look at you... so many people complaining about inflation... you got what you asked for...  when you make more money... that money doesn't just poof out of no were... it has to be earned because companies are already paying out in labor typically close to their max allowed budget that still allows just enough for a good profit for that store.

When your stock price gets crushed, shareholders are going to want you to cut cost and labor is the first to take a hit.

mainstream media capitalist propaganda machine go brrr

watch?v=3KZY41SqaTIampt=9m22s9:22a quotThere#39s also entertainment from watching companies die too.quotbrWhat would be his answer today?

I like Elon but I think the trend has been bad for him lately and it is coloring his view.

 and  are buddies now. Isn't this 's 3rd interview with .

If you don't have a super bad feeling about the economy you aren't paying attention.odds are he is correct.

The Fed printing more money will just slow down the economic collapse, it will eventually happen one day, and it's not just in the US, any other countries have the same chance. This is why I invest in crypto. Not a financial advice of course but if you look back in history, bitcoin's price just keeps getting higher unlike fiat money we have today.

That first 5 minutes is the longest time I ever listened to Maxine Waters without having to facepalm.

2. DOJ Garland is afraid of what might happen to himself