What Makes a Successful Forex Trader?

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:42 PM

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Given what we know now, the Supreme Court and DOJ are somewhat compromised by a few!

As I have asked on every crypto page....where did the money go? No one has even a shred of a answer

It seems that this  a couple of days late to be uploaded

about 130 dollars, first time dollar cost averaging and this happens. I#39m lucky I didn#39t end up losing more money. I even had my girlfriend invested but only like 25 dollars.  its terrible what happened. Personally i#39ll continue investing in stockscrypto

Simple get rid of democrats and their obscene desire to print money

These are the elites invited to Davos? This guy lies, deflects, and dodges.

Hello Mrs Violet legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

good thing mr production hell decided to cut manufacturing.

Powell did the biggest blunder in recent history of monetary policy. Lagarde is worse but it's not a blunder in her case, it's intentional. Madam Inflation wants high inflation in the eurozone. Buy a car today because next year you'll pay 50% more. Lots of printing + lots of savings + pent up demand + supply shortages + investors hedging against inflation = there's no stopping in prices now. Germany planning to increase minimum wage by 25%.

This guy takes too much money from his stockholders, with his stock based compensation. Would not invest in his company in a billion years

Fractional Reserve Banking is the biggest evil ever put on mankind

Today they are realizing a new problem -Tesla MUST GROW to fulfill the promises priced into the stock.  Musk backing off and getting conservative with tesla might save his wealth, but it screws the shareholders that bought high.