Asia FX news wrap: Evergrande kicks off 2022 with more problems

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:41 PM

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Pi Network will succeed all these crypto, Pi Network is doing something all other crypto isn#39t.

Just trying to hide the fact that business is as not as good as people want to believe....

Really nothing new has been said here. Is there a risk of overvaluation in the market? Then, diversify your positions. That's investing 101.

Obviously we are heading into a recession been saying this for months. But we can still get a double top before we crash into a multi year bear market

The Market has been pretty bad until today it decided to surge. Everybody was  Practically Crying then. It kept  dipping. That#39s what you get when you feel you can navigate the process on your own. Big thank to Alexis caballero. I#39m not bothered with how bad the Market is because my assests are insured due to her advice and I still receive my profits

rint about 10% of new money every year to have stable inflation (US and every county on earth done it for 100 years) and not get into a deflation spiral. In the last year, there was printed exactly 10% of the money supply of 2020, so in last year the US printed the exact amount of money they should.   

For the past quarter-century, black academics, intellectuals and activists have been screaming from the rooftops about the devastating impact of mass third world immigration on African Americans.

Bitcoin isnt a bubble but an emerging market. Do you want internet to continue do you want digital Centralised finance from Government or do you want the Peoples Decentralised money wealth BITCOIN!!! THE Peoples wealth

We could have stopped it on January 6th.  It's too late now.

No actually all this stimulus money does have a positive correlation to the severe inflation that persists today...there is no denying that

 to us traders, investing in crypto is the best and fastest way of making money, but only few understood the secret of crypto currency.

wow this dude is arrogant, isn't he? makes me concerned as a shareholder lol

Oh and I am shorting  into the ground. This guy is an idiot.