#NVDA $NVDA consolidation, looking to rip shortly

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:58 PM

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 side, does not produce anything: It consumes energy, it is not creating anything tangible and its thousands of competition crypto currencies are far more advanced. It is the slowest transaction currency, it is not protecting privacy, and it fluctuates on a whim.

Great plan, don't invest your money and hope the price would go down...   I'm going to buy some stocks, bit coin and Real Estate for now.

Let's get ahead of something right now so it doesn't happen... no bailouts from taxpayers!

you can stop inflation. then you will fall into stagflation trap. finally the us economy will totally collapse. just matter of time. the death knell is ringing. today's japan is your tomorrow. lying down and accept your fate.

gme a bubble. Lots more in this  was off. Must be lobbyists. Too  bad my dislike wont matter.These people made little sense calling amc

3. DOJ Garland is afraid to do his job and wants others to pursue Trump in Civil Court 

Sure it can, they just dont want to stop inflation.

Was always a ponzi lmao the people who bought in are brainwashed

It's not China.  Super high gas prices and a shaky and overinflated real estate market is obliterating the middle class.  Add in all the other negatives and ya,  there's something really really bad about to happen.

Brandon had a plan,,, a demolition plan and he is working on it.

I feel like that blunder wasn't a blunder. The system is a shistem