#NVDA $NVDA consolidation, looking to rip shortly

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:58 PM

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would love that giveaway. also can you produce a more indepth  on your OBs please

Best training I have seen yet!  Thank you!

Please tell me youre rich because your information is priceless. Keep it up

PLEASE STOP Making mouth noises and sounds it makes it IMPOSSIBLE to listen to you for a long amount of time. I have insanely bad misophonia and you consistently make chewing related sounds while speaking. Sorry not sorry.

A really good course.  Thank you and kudos

I love this ... Easy to understand and very clear explanation... Thanks a lot

Solid .  And what is the best higher timeframe to look for the overall market structure and what is the best lower time frame to execute the trade because I see in the  you went down to 1minutes timeframe and then you switch back to H1 for entry so I find it a bit confusing. Thanks

Love your s bro, not too long and you get straight to the point! Respect!

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Bro... You look almost like this other r I watch that has a fishing . You two almost look like twins. I can't remember his  name off hand but if I see it pop up in my feed I'll come back and tell you it.

Best  ...thank you this will help me a lot