#NVDA $NVDA consolidation, looking to rip shortly

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:58 PM

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In the past when inflation would rise the feds would raise interest rates. Why don't the feds raise interest rates? Could it be the feds don't want to pay more interest on 29trillion of debt? The feds have dug a hole they can't climb out of. Now the people are stuck paying higher prices.

wow this dude is arrogant, isn't he? makes me concerned as a shareholder lol

3. DOJ Garland is afraid to do his job and wants others to pursue Trump in Civil Court 

Did Mr. Sherman write these thoughts back in 2017 and just find his notepad for this hearing? Jesus, why is he up there asking questions?

Ummm you didn#39t lose just quothalfquot of your savings. You lost everything. -100%.

inflation is a function of capitalism...not like anyone can stop capitalism.  Capitalism is a house of cards...you can't do anything to stop it without it collapsing.

Friday CPI report is going to be a bloodbath for the market


Interesting that a quotstore of valuequot and something that made you 20% return would go down to literally 0$, the price is a fraction of a cent. This is unheard of even with huge financial crashes like the 2008 crash, stock of banks that were about to go bankrupt if it weren#39t for the bailouts fell from like 48$ to 18$ which is a significant loss but nothing compared to 120$ going to literally 0. With traditional finance if a company turns out to be a 100% scam (not even 50% of their earnings being fake which is a huge fraud) it sometimes doesn#39t even go to 0, in crypto it might not be a quotscamquot, nothing really happened except people deciding to dump the coin and causing panic. Imagine if apple or amazon stock went to 0$ because some hedge fund would dump a lot of stock, it wouldn#39t make any difference in a matter of a week and in crypto it turns out that the coin is worthless. I think that it#39s just returning to its fair market price, which is 0$ because it#39s basically worthless and in most cases doesn#39t serve any purpose. It#39s like investing in gold which doesn#39t generate any value, except that gold is desirable and you can make jewellery or electronics with it. Its value can#39t really go up due to it generating more value than before (maybe unless we find some new revolutionary use for gold), crypto is the same except the token itself is also worthless. And I#39m not a boomer that never touched crypto, I#39ve used bitcoin in 2014 and 2015 and discovered how fucking shit it is with huge transaction fees, long waiting times and it not being accepted in any real world uses except of markets on the dark web. It#39s literally only good for that, I can#39t name a single thing outside of privacy that it does better than my bank app.

To US goverment : less warmongering, care more for the people

wow...  actually gave  a fair shake and almost an open mic. *clap clap ... clap

The US Federal Reserve on stopping inflation: "Wish I could, but I can't. Well, can, but won't. Should, maybe, but shorn't... What part of shorn't don't you understand??"