#NVDA $NVDA consolidation, looking to rip shortly

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:58 PM

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Are these people for real. Markets price the future I would have lost tonnes of gains of i had listened to these smartasses thank God i held on to my ether.

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If you lay people off while you are still hiring, they will sue you.

Tesla isn't a bubble, they are innovators, rivian is the bubble.

Can the news outlets stop with manipulation and corruption themselves? You guys arent helping at all.

The mogwai halfway through distracted me

Sherman is a vampire!!! A globalist gnome!!!

WeWork, Nikola, NEO, robinhood...these are 'bubbles' and is wall street as a collective industry that created them - not everything that has value is a 'bubble' just because you are crying that you missed out. Tesla might even be overvalued, but is already changing the world whether you like it or not. Bitcoin on the other hand is so toxic now exactly because of institution and boomers just jumped in, and now they cry it's not going UP. The only bubble we deserve to see popping is the stupid media industry

if your life is ruined by this. you are doing something wrong lol. only invest money you could afford to lose

As long as both sides of the political aisle over spend wildly like they have for decades now (and then blame each other) we'll continue to swirl the drain.  Politicians on BOTH SIDES have caused this crisis, but hey don't worry about them, if things collapse they'll eat well and have bunkers to hide in.

This isn't inflation!!!! This is called CAPITALISM!!!!!!! Because of the pandemic created a low supply,  the demand stayed constant pushing prices up.  Supply and demand.  CAPITALISM.   Theses news groups are trying to trick us and change the narrative.

Irony is they lauch 2.0 luna and 70% down with a hour

why you boomers want these news be real !! fckıng us news all balloon !!!