#NVDA $NVDA consolidation, looking to rip shortly

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:58 PM

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Are these people for real. Markets price the future I would have lost tonnes of gains of i had listened to these smartasses thank God i held on to my ether.

This is not a new story. Paying 20% to save in a 14% market is a tip-off. brPaying LESS than the interest rate for borrowing is another tip-off. brWhere is the underlying value - another tip-off? brbrTerra UST amp Luna are modern day tulips!

#1 rule in investment, don#39t invest money you can#39t afford to loose. But people just don#39t listen, the greed eventually win#39s.

Sure it can be stopped .. its transitory

+Get rid of all these mandates, people can find work, and prices will go down.

STOP DEFICIT FEDERAL SPENDING!!!! Create A balanced Federal budget!!

If your bank or crypto offers an interest rate you're a shareholder.brbrHow in the fuck can on anyone on planet Earth be stupid enough to think that 20% returns is "stable" that's about as stable and consistent as being pretty good at blackjack in the casino. Doomed to fail.

It's the great reset for the middle class. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy working as a slave. All income from past labor will be erased so you won't achieve financial freedom unless you already have deep pockets, you're highly leveraged, and you are a landlord.

Keeping him as C.E.O. is dangerous for investors.

 heard dislikes were hidden and used that title just to taunt the masses

Do you know anything you are talking  not just for clikbait ??