XLM - Hidden Bullish Divergence in the making?!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:55 PM

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Lumber went down because of limited processing. Klausner One in Live Oak, Florida shutdown end of 2018 due to business problems and the mill was being sold at tax auction. Binderholz runs the mill now and started production back in the spring of 2021 which is why the prices have gone down. This facility produces a million board feet annually.

The inflation crisis hasn't been stopped since 1913.

I really want to read about speculations on who did the attack

according to  anything that's going up is in a bubble

Most times it amazes me greatly the way I moved from an average lifestyle to earning over 63k per month, utter shock is the word. I have understood a lot in the past few years to doubt that opportunities abound in the financial markets, The only thing is to know where to focus .

 spacex is.I think Elon is looking for an excuse to lay off employees he thinks are not productive enough.  He doesn't want out right say he's laying off subpar employees, because that would ruin the image of how great of an employer Tesla

Like Facebook. Congressmen don't want to seem retrograde. Only 4 serious questions:(  play to earn, what is that? Nft?... Pump coming

The best thing for Tesla would be for Elon Musk to fire left-wing snowflakes and move manufacturing plant from California to Texas. Also, he should move Twitter to Texas and hire conservatives to moderate content.

If you have a good  idea about how your investment creates value, the same value which forms the part of the returns that your recieve then, You are safe.brIf you have no idea of what you are doing, you are straight up gambling.

watch?v=JkBpQG3FJwUwww..comCOME ON MAN!THE BALLAD OF SLEEPY JOE is our New   that reaffirms all of JOE BIDENs weak disastrous policies! https:

Got to love Mr. Brooks' macro questions in his opening statement ~min 33 including: Do we trust big banks more or a open source model more?

Better stop. Middle class now living like those living on 25k 2yr ago

Don't you find it fascinating  how the government has literally no say, on important economic projections that affect the population? THAT ALONE SHOULD TELL YOU WHO IS REALLY IN POWER!