Bitcoin Bullish

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:54 PM

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employer operations at the  expense of the domestic labor market.big money over workers so  Fed data on labor is seriously flawed and optimize
 investorinvestors getting tax breaks and repressing wages in the labor market... Feds mostly provide credit  for big money investors  not for wage earners.
 The Feds uses  an adversarial model to pit  labor vs employer investor ... the Feds always favor employersInflation was driven by big money

Inflation is part of the plan. Just like the vaccine mandates. You will own nothing and be happy.  Rich get richer, Poor get poorer.

Wow our industry is safe in these hands

You mean stole and got away with it

2:51, that's not 90 percent...

Shermannnn. Give it a rest pal. You start comparing Doge to Eth in terms of functionality and you have lost your right to speak here haha. Shhh go back to bed and your pill box

Banks are 3rd party scams. After what they did to me, i dont want to hear them crying to me when crypto disrupts them. They deserve everything coming.

Musks racism is why TESLA will be down

The wealthy are buying stocks, gold, crypto, real estate, land... anything they can get their hands on. They are even trying to buy entire neighborhoods and cities.

Civil Contempt For Trump, But Trump Has Not Been Indicted

Luna was my biggest holding, bout 30% of my portfolio now worth nothing. Couldn't sell when the storm started as I was staking the tokens with a 28 day wait on withdrawal on Terra Station wallet. One piece of free advise - DIVERSIFY.

As long as any of these systems allow the userclient to buy or sell large amounts, they#39ll be easy to attack.

They want the crash. Want disempowers people. 2% is ideal? How stupid. Retire the idea of short transitions? Listen to how disempowering he sounds, and wants to leverage? The Fed DOESN"T WANT STABILITY! WAKE UP! It was created in 1913 with concealment of what the objective was. How did that even stick? Don't you get it's a cartel? If you want stable economies, use a stable currency. buxxb ...

These CEOs are on it! Especially Mr. Brooks!

Chart at 2:10 is just wrong *scales*