EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Check out  balance sheet. How is it so healthy for a new company? Growth stocks aren't usually that healthy. They have so much cash to debt. Check it out.

So your money will fluctuate in value like a stock?

Who are these 'startups with loose venture dollars'???

Try buying back their dollar

4 of one percent for saving acct.'s & only 1.25% fot 5 yr. CD's!  Yes, mortgage interest was 17%, but houses sold for $40k & there were ways around paying that,  e.g.take over mortgages, purchase money mortgages, etc. I bought two houses then, that way!I'm 75 & will someone please explain why when we had high inflation in 1981, the banks were paying 12% to as much as 18% for 5 yr. CD's! Now, with ever spiraling inflation, we are getting an absurdly low .25% or 1

COME ON MAN!THE BALLAD OF SLEEPY JOE is our New   that reaffirms all of JOE BIDENs weak disastrous policies!

Everyone knows that with 0 interest rates, the inflation cannot remain transitory. It twill keep going up.

The difference between Tesla and Amazon is Tesla has the same margins but will continue to grow faster than Amazon did...

I just made my first $20,000 in cryptocurrency  I'm so glad I'm gonna have a successful retirement.

Biggest bubble is the government printing money like there is value in it. The money is simply going to many of these investments as a way to keep up with inflation. Rich get richer no matter what.

How favourable is the market now. I want to invest in cryptocurrency

Don't you find it fascinating  how the government has literally no say, on important economic projections that affect the population? THAT ALONE SHOULD TELL YOU WHO IS REALLY IN POWER!

Simple, start raising interest rates at a slow, steady rate