EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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We are moving towards what The Bible says 'War of Armageddon'.

Did Mr. Sherman write these thoughts back in 2017 and just find his notepad for this hearing? Jesus, why is he up there asking questions?

If the inflation crisis doesn't end, then there would be no sense to go and find work because the cost of living will never match your paycheck. Its either find work and starve, or go to work with no clothes. Because we can't afford nothing anymore nowadays.

Yea Colorado looks so nice

my god would you even explain how the short squeezes came to be and more importantly WHY it was possible you greedy bunch - you guys are media terrorists this is not information

Over 67%+ of Americans unemployed permanently!

The economy as an ocean is frothy (full of bubbles); deal with it.

Well all bubbles pop, it's just matter of time, people keep forgetting we don't invest in assets for sake of satisfying need for investment, we do it to make profits, and when lot of people or whale decides to book their profits then the massacre starts

Kind of reminiscent of another Stanford attendee and Theranos. I am beginning to wonder whether they had some kind of quotentrepreneursquot club on campus like quotThe Billionaire Boys Clubquot of Los Angeles.

For many years these piramide schemes had been going on I had found no one who madebra steady investment at the end of day these people vanished over night with a lot of money