EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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hey i am new to this and honestlky i dont know where to find a program to start trying to understand the candlestic patterns

support of the level to-the-left. Really letting that sink in.bottoms, nearby multiple resistanceI am watching several of your s. There is a lot of overlap between them and that's very useful. Multi time frame analysis, double tops

*#Dahcyber**,* the dudes personality is *AWESOME* and then he goes pro and back it up in Thee coding! Cant ask for Anything more!

nice . OMG. thanks of Brazil

Nice !! Its good to be a part of this. Top earner here, I've been trading with Mrs Gloria Tyler for about 6 months now, Ive made more than half a million dollars in profit, glad I started big enough, but haven't gotten the chance to thank her in person, she's always so busy making money. Some people say she always at work, trading round the clock. I aspire to be such an impact in the trading community who helps in making good money and recovering of losses. Who would have though that the kid from the curb would be living so lavish. Thanks to Mrs Gloria, I can now raise my head high amidst my peers.

Fantastic content, also your teaching method is really easy on the ears, and very understandable, have subscribed and liked, also watching other s in this series, looking to sign up to your program... thank you for this content and lesson Cheers Tony

Hi  .. I hv been involved with Forex for many years now and mainly basing my trades on indicators - I have tried reading etc on candlesticks but I find it too overwhelming UNTIL I came across your  above - u hv made it clear and simple, and am definitely will be more aware of 'individual' candlestick from now on.. tQ - from Malaysia.

5 years. I want to be an athlete - Practice for many years. I want to be a Trader - Start tomorrow.  Thanks  for all the educative s.I want to be a pilot - Learn for 5 years  I want to be a Lawyer - Get a degree then learn for 5 years I want to be boxer - Practice for 4

 ...any demand and supply cource

We need that  about volume!!!