EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Oil price are the cause of all are economic problems, this is not hard to figure out. People over analyze. Biden's policies are killing the economy.

We are all thankful for Mr Brooks

When the big gamblers on the Wall Street sucking tax blood money from Fed are stopped. When unregulated shadow banks like BlackRock are in incharge of both Fed and stock markets  - bubbles will keep blowing.

Taleb doing zero research as usual.

20% interest?! If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

brNormal investments are made in stocks and bonds all over the world (investing abroad is much better, by the way). Low-risk investments are solid bonds and solid companies with low growth, low debt, and low pe ratios that pay a lot of dividends. Nothing else. Using the money you cannot afford to lose to buy crypto is just idiotic.

Garlands plan is to wait out the clock so he can say, oh we just couldn't get to it in time.rrr

No, inflation cannot be stopped.


He definitely said sec not oec.

How can inflation exist in a zero interest climate where wages are stagnant? Sorry, being Australian I don't get that (Australia is big but our economy is medium sized).  It's different here. We have all the above but we are having a stupidly wild housing market - everywhere.  People are greedy & stupid, rates will rise. When the US ups it's interest rates, a lot of Australians will learn that a $1,000,000 loan on a $120,000 income is not wise.

Check out  balance sheet. How is it so healthy for a new company? Growth stocks aren't usually that healthy. They have so much cash to debt. Check it out.

Tesla isn't a bubble, they are innovators, rivian is the bubble.