EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Biden is worst. He's wants to print more.  Let's get rid.of him now.

4 of US gdp and poured it into the economy.  It can be stopped, just raise the key rate (yes the market which is already full of bubbles would go down and its a no-no for grandpa) and withdraw money from circulation by issuing some kind of good value gov futuresBro your interest on the loan minus inflation was around neutral but now is far negative, the gov printed like 1

Why do Democrats always have to bring 'diversity' into the equation? They seem more obsessed with having quotas of women, ethnic minorities, LGBTs enforced in those crypto companies than having competent people, regardless of physical attributes and sexual orientations, developing and making digital assets available to everybody.

Can bursting a crypto bubble save the inflation?

IT is really a stupid question to ask

the government needs to step in and STOP THE CRYPTO MADNESS!!! a lot of hard working people innocent investors are buying these cheap cryptos that anyone can create these days and they are losing money.

Old farts probably don't even know what the CEO's are taking about.

This event was some of the best entertainment in anything internet culture related in the last few years.  I am so glad this happened.  God bless this mess.

If you already own multiple homes and shares why wouldnt you want inflation to stop? Doesnt affect me

This is the same guy who dated Amber Heard.

It seems that this  a couple of days late to be uploaded

Just a few weeks ago he wanted to overpay for Twitter by $20b... now he is saying this? What is the credibility of what the CEO says when his ability to forecast his own business is not even 2 weeks out?