EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Let stop government lets not do government no more government

he uses his mad scientist look to offload stock on bagholders.

At least Sherman called out con-base ha ha.

Inflation will be transitory. I heard a similar story about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

Holy shit RSR Nevin called it?

it can... if Biden stops printing money

I think with 11 million job openings and empty shevles our economy has recovered enough. Raise the rates to stop this inflation BS.

Shermannnn. Give it a rest pal. You start comparing Doge to Eth in terms of functionality and you have lost your right to speak here haha. Shhh go back to bed and your pill box

Crypto CEO's talking to people like Maxine Waters....may as well be talking to a stump in the back yard. We need intelligent leaders and not 80 year old high school drama queens.

No one's buying cars in this economy, well except some rich guys. I'd guess the rich guys already have Teslas though.

Civil Contempt For Trump, But Trump Has Not Been Indicted

thanks elon, china is proud of asians only policy, and then the launch of AI to shave the fat off the sheep

*Knowledge and research are crucial parts of investing, This is why I've made Astronomical returns*

Something is going on in the world  and dealing with the sells of idea

Funny how Trumplicans believe inflation can be stopped by anyone. Inflation never stops. Even during your 'greatest' president Trump's presidency, inflation happened every year. It happens in each and every country in the world. Gas, food, rent, taxes, everything goes up every year. There is nothing you can do to stop it. And to those that believe gas will go down to $1 a gallon if you vote for a Republican, you are a big f00l. Oil-reserves are estimated to run out by 2040 meaning there will be no more gas or oil. Oil does not reproduce or grow on trees. Hence why you Trumplicans need to quit opposing the development of future and alternate energy because its not an agenda or a greedy-ploy, its merely your people's (Republican's) point of conservative mentality resisting change and innovation to meet demands. No wonder every business Republicans touch go bankrupt like the American's big 3 automakers that were bailed by the Democrats under strict conditions of changing their engineers and management to develop new products and compete. When they were managed by the Republicans, they were literally making the same cars over and over and nobody was buying them. Imports like Japanese and Europeans left them to dust. Poor Republican conservatism that belongs to the old age. Good job Trumper bois.