EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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I don't think liberals understand how the economy works.

Nope people need inflation in their pay checks

A lot of that $45B wasn#39t really owned by regular people, I#39m sure that a lot of the money staked in Anchor and a lot of the coins held by Luna addresses were from people closely involved with the project, early investors and whales.brAs others pointed out if LFG reserves would have been used to repay the smallest wallets only, 99.6% of people with money on anchor would have gotten a full refund. I would say that retail and smallmedium investors lost AT MOST $5B on Anchor, the rest wasn#39t retail, and the biggest losers were the makers of LunaTerra, whose algo stablecoin was poorly designed from the start.

Jaime Dimon has a more dire warning but here we can see Elon Musk is charismatic and more popular then Jaime.

If only you know what the future says, you'll know that indeed cryptocurrency is the future, investing in it now will be the wisest thing to do. Hold!!! And you"'ll thank yourself

Oil price are the cause of all are economic problems, this is not hard to figure out. People over analyze. Biden's policies are killing the economy.

Tesla is not in a bubble. Tesla isnt selling its cars to hertz at a discount. Hertz has to order on the Tesla website like everyone else, at the current price. Tesla has made a profit over the last 7 quarters or more. Its also in the S&P 500. Its not just a car company. Tesla is cheap today at its current share price, and is projected to 3X its current share price in 5 years or less. Tesla didnt need to be included in the report. Just a click bait article as usual from . It worked, they got me to click on it.

keeping them at zero. They really caused inflation combined with terrible policies by congress and sleepy creepy but what is new thereThey should have been raising rates during the end of the pandemic not lowering them

My homeboy apartment complex just increased his rent by over $400..wages are up 3% but inflation is at 6%

Someone pulled a George Soros on Luna.

The truly smug look on this pricks face says it all. 20% return is for gullible idiots who put their heads in the sand and tell themselves it#39s all real. It#39s a horrible outcome for many people but this has been happening for centuries. How about Tether?