EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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#39conspiracy theories#39 these people are pathetic. Anything to try to save face.  How pathetic.

Excellent explanation - in such a short time frame - looking forward to a follow-up when more is known - experienced a 1k loss myself in a HODL position but am widely diversified throughout the crypto space, of which Luna was a very small fraction of holdings.  brEvery investor will have losses - as an investor you are Guaranteed to lose money, your mindset cannot be to simply win at an investment, it has to be to make more than you lose especially in high risk plays which demands diversification. Crypto in general is extremely HIGH RISK - diversify within Crypto and diversify all investments across many spaces outside crypto as well  - this will provide you your best chances of coming out ahead overall... chin up to all those who#39ve learned a painful lesson through this - the sun will shine again...

Hey Mr. Sorkin I vivdly recall you pounding the table about supposed Voter Suppression . Well the early voting in  Georgia primaries produced 3X the votes since 2018. So much for you & your wokeristas hyping up Jim Crow.

These members of congress dont understand crypto

Better educate yourselves a lil more  Its about oil It permeates the world  Blame it on covid Blame it on supple chain  Blame anywhere you want  Go talk to Jimmy Carter  The research will show you  Oil

Re: Impromptu Layoffs. HR should have been ahead of Elon on this one, with reassignments & measured layoff vs Elon & the 10% having to find it out the hard way.

Never trust a narcissist. Ever!

Bubbles never re-inflate after they pop. If you bought Tesla at 1,000 or higher you need to STOP INVESTING. You are a financial danger to yourself and others.

From the clip: There is no way the Fed can help and it will all depend on Congress.  Me: Alrighty, time to die.

5 products ? Which ? Gotham, Foundry, Apollo and ?

Hope that government going to shutdown all the crypto website soon.  Crypto is scam...........  they charge fee too high and I believe they are the ones that hack into some people account and stole millions of dollars because only they team knows all your information and passwords.  I don't trust these crypto website........

zero chance as long as Fed is serving its masters on wall street - the Goldmans, the Morgans and the BlackRocks

Digital assets like crypto has a long way to go yo get the aproval it need to be a mayor player in the económy

Do kwon is a typical rich entitled momma boy which is common here in Korea. Now FSS is investigating whether he got govt startup grants via nepotism. Shows no public remorse for people affected