EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Hey man, I just wanted to say that I really love your threads. You provide great content while not using asinine methods like click-bait titles like Jake Tran does. I wish you success in all your endeavors.

Oil prices are up because of high demand and low supply (under Trump many US drilling sites shutdown) Higher oil prices are pushing prices in any every sectors.

If you lay people off while you are still hiring, they will sue you.

All the traditional banks laughing and pointing fingers

Whats proof of marshmellow?

Love this guy. His company is the reason Russia is having so much trouble in Ukraine.

More  BS FUD.  If you get hurt then you are stupid but you still have a right to spend your money how you want.  Lumping Tesla in the headline with bubbles is another example of pure FUD by  the joke financial news channel.  Urge some caution over Rivian, which is a bubble.  By the way Tesla could care less if Herz buys or not.  Tesla sells every car they make no matter if Herz was in or out of business it wouldn't matter.

People invested in bitcoin don#39t realize if this could be done with a stablecoin just imagine how easy it would be to do with shit coins and even coins like bitcoin and eth, cardona.

china is innocent...this is the plan of. ..... food...civid...others are always to blame...NO...THE ARE THE DEM-OCRATS AND THE EXTREME LEFT...what dr. fau-ci tried on puppies, now that hits people..!!

Shame. The congress knows nothing more than your typical no coiners

Why is it always legal to "pass the added cost on to the consumer"?? Should not ALWAYS b allowed!

Youre not gonna need a graduate degree. Many coding jobs dont even require a bachelors anymore. Gotta love legacy media and their Boomer advice.

When the government raises taxes everything cost more ! Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out! Thanks Biden