EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Just like the seven rates hikes were baked in, QT and recession that's probably baked in too lol, I get the feeling alot of companies are hiding behind supply problems, when it's truely a lack of sales problem

Just get your money on location far away from your place on a destinations it has more buying power.  The market react because it is really reactive.  Invest money outside that doesn't compete on ur local business  This is hypothesis.  But to be sure used the matrix.

So after they question them they get up and leave - how the hell are they going to understand anything by not hearing everyone.

accent, what is it?This guy has a cacophonous voice

When leaders of companies continually dump their stock.  I have no sympathy when their stock price plummets.

Maybe he got high and was paranoid. Maybe he sees the future. IDK but he has 100% of my net worth. Split the stonk baby!

Jebus please stfu Elon. Sheep are gonna sell everything!

I've been in and out of trading trying to make a better living for myself and family until I met mr John darry the mighty trader and my life changed for good from make less than minimum average to earning thousands per week this is the best feeling

Nice ! I was able to build a big income stream during the covid-19 pandemic investing with a professional broker.

March! market crash cuz of evergrande hahahah

Just trying to understand the definition of a 'bubble' here. When Tesla dropped from $1100 to $500 that wasn't the popping of a Bubble? When Bitcoin dived from $64k to less than $30k that wasn't a bubble? WTF is a bubble guys and WTF is a pop? Does it need to drop 110% before you doom-sayers feel vindicated in your broken clock rants? Please help us out

35% of all US dollars in existence were printed last year. So of course, interest is the result.  How could it be transitory? Unless people start burning their own money, we can't go back to a world where there was less US dollars in circulation, making each dollar worth less.  Plus, did you know for every dollar we print, we buy with interest from the Federal Bank, which is just as Federal as Federal Express?  Why do we continue to allow this to occur? We need to remove this leech from the USA and get back to being in control of issuing our own money