EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Let the market decide price, not the FED.

I sincerely wonder how many millions of USDT Do Kwon personally made from this scam and if he will go to jail for his economic crimes

Hello Mrs Violet legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

For trhe love of god!  Dont put all your money in one basket!  Also if your being guaranteed 20 percent return.  ITS A PONZI SCHEME!

You now 3 days later are saying the economy is doing great. Lmfao

Ummmm how was this done with no toilet breaks in nearly 5 hours?!? Anyone?

When you give steel and lumber prices can you give units with those too.

Cant get enough workers so inflation goes up?

I sold before it crashed by a few months.

Ofc it won't get better if you print 120-150 billion dollars each month

about 130 dollars, first time dollar cost averaging and this happens. I#39m lucky I didn#39t end up losing more money. I even had my girlfriend invested but only like 25 dollars.  its terrible what happened. Personally i#39ll continue investing in stockscrypto

brNormal investments are made in stocks and bonds all over the world (investing abroad is much better, by the way). Low-risk investments are solid bonds and solid companies with low growth, low debt, and low pe ratios that pay a lot of dividends. Nothing else. Using the money you cannot afford to lose to buy crypto is just idiotic.

ima  pro suscriber so i do not want to say ots host and its guest but the fact is ford, volkwagen, g all producing more ev cars . even porche and mercedes producing lot more ev cars. so afraid of that comepetion musl is reducing staff

 , PLTR has launched 5 of the most important products in the world.  How dumb are these reporters?  Ask the follow up question, what are the 5 products, and how can your company still not make money?  Where is this high quality revenue?  Here is the bottom line, the stock price doesn't lie and why isn't the stock price higher?