EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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lol shitcoinery at its best

Broken capitalism.  Solution,  need to start over.  Burn the FIRE sector. Vote for a change    (pun) demand democracy  banks produce  nothing,  zero,  just profits  DNC = RNC = the 1%  =  Wall street not the 99%  remember the 1970s ?  what it took to get change a revolution,  yeah

Nice  and great work.It nice to see others who are benefiting in cryptocurrency we all will be millionaires soon believe me, currently my portfolio is $120,000

When you pump so much money into the economy... how can you not expect inflation? This is the Fed's own making.

I have a friend who has a childhood best friend who was bullied in school by this dude, he was generally a shitty person because they came from a well off family and got away with some much bs. I#39ve heard that the childhood friend was pleasantly bnotb surprised with how karma kicked this dude so hard. of course this is all word of mouth but I#39m going to safely assume this dude is all around a horrible person.

Starting early is the best way getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority.  The stock market has plenty of opportunities to a decent payouts, with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works

Well lets check out the corporate slant on inflation

Shame. The congress knows nothing more than your typical no coiners

Jay Powell and the Fed should be rocketed to Mars. They pushed for all the monetary and fiscal stimulus, and now just can't fathom "how" we got this massive inflation. F-ing morons wanted to inflate away  the US debt....


Funny how Trumplicans believe inflation can be stopped by anyone. Inflation never stops. Even during your 'greatest' president Trump's presidency, inflation happened every year. It happens in each and every country in the world. Gas, food, rent, taxes, everything goes up every year. There is nothing you can do to stop it. And to those that believe gas will go down to $1 a gallon if you vote for a Republican, you are a big f00l. Oil-reserves are estimated to run out by 2040 meaning there will be no more gas or oil. Oil does not reproduce or grow on trees. Hence why you Trumplicans need to quit opposing the development of future and alternate energy because its not an agenda or a greedy-ploy, its merely your people's (Republican's) point of conservative mentality resisting change and innovation to meet demands. No wonder every business Republicans touch go bankrupt like the American's big 3 automakers that were bailed by the Democrats under strict conditions of changing their engineers and management to develop new products and compete. When they were managed by the Republicans, they were literally making the same cars over and over and nobody was buying them. Imports like Japanese and Europeans left them to dust. Poor Republican conservatism that belongs to the old age. Good job Trumper bois.

I have a weird feeling the F150 electric is making him nervous. Could be a big smash hit.

The fact is Bitcoin is the future of crypto and the questions traders ask themselves now is if this is right time to invest? Before jumping into conclusion I think you should take a look at things first. For the past few days the price of Bitcoin has been fluctuating which means the market is currently unstable and you can't tell if it is going bearish or bullish. While others still continue to trade without the fear of making lose, others are being patient. It all depends on the pattern with which you trade and also the source of your signals. I would say trading has been going smoothly for me, I started with 0.5 bitcoin and I've accumulated over 6.5 bit coin in just three weeks, with the trading strategy given to me by expert trader Thierry Veilleux. His methods are top notch and profitable and he can be contacted easily on Telegram (@Thierry_Veilleux22) cheersabout:invalid#zCSafeza