EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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The consumer is going to roll after the summer due to inflation and high cost.  Since central banking is doing QT and inflation caused by money printing, it's already baked in.  Add China Zero covid and Ukraine, it's a matter of time.

Pay to earn blockchain gaming, we are so early.

Having Tesla in the thumbnail always helps with audience engagement lol

Mr Gonzalez, if you support crypto you have my vote sir.

Get rid of the fed go back on the gold standard stop endless bills and spending, dump the tax code and re write the entire thing so Amazon, Google and the like pay taxes on actual earnings not something made up. Most people pay more taxes by % of what they make then these big companies. Entire system is built to help the 1%.

I wont use this and  as evidence and tell yourself that you are worried Bitcoin and Tesla will crash. Be safe in everything you do but I would call this irrational fear. The entire US government and US dollar is based of loans and debt. You give and you take. Buy Bitcoin. Buy Tesla. Take what you want. But never forget to give back. If you take. You have to give. People should be more concerned about what they are going to do with all this fast cash in order to help people other people survive. There are 8 billion people on this planet. 10% and I would suggest more are starving to their deaths. That is what we should be talking about. Repaying our debts. Giving back. I hate to burst your bubble. A bubble burst is the least of my concerns.

Well i got 3k lunar coins...

*Senator:* "but if you don't sell a product, then how do you make money!?!?!?"  *Bogdanoff:* "Senator......we pull rugs"

A decentralized media just as important as a decentralized financial system #blocknewsmedia

There goes the secret... A bubble that everybody knows it, is not a bubble. ( checking with a pen balance sheet.. hey while I was checking price moved +13% and keep on going .. let me adjust.. ups now -7% dam you markets and I don't have a guys!!  )

Stable genius, musk is. We have watched the printing endless dollars for nearly 2 yrs . Preschoolers understand the inflation of that.

I really like  , but unfortunately PLTR is the worst performing asset I've ever owned. Still holding because no point in selling now

Musk employees have to show up & justify their existence. Being a swashbuckler & risk taker you serve at his whim.

if your life is ruined by this. you are doing something wrong lol. only invest money you could afford to lose

the stable coin of iron finance was not algorithmic but overcollateralized...just lost peg at one point but re-pegged quickly