EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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As always, if it is too good to be true, it probably is!

We should just let the economy failed for good and start over. Because this feels no defence to what already failed economy. Food and gas and housing is at all time high.

Lol it not a bubble when people are all in the game instead of just the wall street guy BUT IT WALL STREET BETS   DOGECOIN AND CROCOIN

Have you watched at least one  on  about the homeless on could be a preview of what we are to become, if the leaders do not reverse our course to war with China...

Hey Brandon, STOP SPENDING MONEY !!!!!

I am a huge proponent of coinbase, mr. brooks said it very spot on on his introduction. paxos USD CEO was awesome. washington truly has no clue, but i applaud them on being proactive in trying to learn about the field.

If you hear the word crypto and 20%

That first 5 minutes is the longest time I ever listened to Maxine Waters without having to facepalm.

Pay to earn blockchain gaming, we are so early.

Tesla will be like Amazon in the 2000th. It will drop with the whole market and rise like the phoenix back to new all time highs. After the crash is the best time to buy Tesla big time!

I would have wished that someone talked about that Cryptocurrency is the very last opportunity for democracy to survive against socialism. Please think about it in detail and share this thought with everyone you know. And take into account the following aspects: Socialist systems are now dominating the the global in economy in large parts. These systems use their economic power to invest in their military. Cryptocurrency is the last chance to have the entire democratic world interconnect with each other in its very essence of transferring infornation,. As money transfer represent the humans main possbility to transfer real physical information creating our reality, spreading to all sectors. Crypto enables higher efficiency and interoperability between companies, creating a stronger and sustainable economy resulting in a higher investments into military to defend democracy. An democratised decentralised interconnected world is the only and last chance to unite the world and become stronger against socialism and dictatorship. Noone wants to fight a war that you will lose anyway. But the higher the probability to win a war, the likelier people are willing to fight it, especially if it is about their freedom of and equality about ethnity, roots, sexuality, beliefs, religion, and finally any decision about their own mind and body. Authorities represented by individuals deciding about their own lives in the long run, must consider these thoughts.

Inflation is running out of control - sad to say

Stellar? wtf is STellar? Get Vitalik there to explain the metaverse.