EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Buy crypto, the system in broken in the core

It's refreshing how  speaks his mind and doesn't tip toe around answers. Whether that's good or bad I don't care, I like it.

7:45 The Phillips Curve trend line is deeply problematic. Just look at the actual underlying data points: all data points at 2.5% unemployment demonstrate resulting inflation hovering around 1% inflation.

what is the best way to make money from investing

brYou probably answered Yes to, at least, two of those. There are six more. A bit of math would tell you that (10 divided by 2 =5) , out of the Ten Commandments, on average you probably answered Yes to five of them. Do you still think you are a good person? Now I'm doing this because I care about you. You could die  at any moment. Your heart may stop right now. And I'd like to see all of you in Heaven. I don't want you to go was it again? Was it perhaps hell? We have all sinned. Nobody is perfect or worthy in God's sight. In fact, the only way our sins could be forgiven, was if a perfect something died for us. We all sin every day. We look with lust, we lie, we blaspheme, we swear and we steal without giving it a second thought. Imagine all those sin and guilt offerings we would have to offer... but we don't have to. Because God sent His one and only Son Jesus, to die for us on the cross as THE sin offering so that whoever BELIEVES in Him will be forgiven and have eternal life. He took all the sins that will ever be on Himself. He paid the price i.e. He's the Person who paid the fine for the stack of offences on the Judges(God's) desk, so He could let you go. That is how great His Love and Mercy for you is. He has no reason to spare you, apart from His abounding Love and Mercy. You just have to accept His forgiveness, repent, get baptised and turn to Him. You have been warned. Do not reject Him.

I used to and now do not trust stable coins - need regulations on stable coins and exchanges

I#39d recommend finding out why crypto randomly appeared, made sure to become famous over night for attention and the back story. You#39d have to go back to 2009 after the 2008 crash I#39ll give you that much of a hint lol

If you already own multiple homes and shares why wouldnt you want inflation to stop? Doesnt affect me

China seen Russia get kicked out of swift system to cripple Russia Financially so Klaus Schwab can implement his build back better modle.. Klaus Schwab needs Russia and China to get in line so  Klaus Schwab and UN can implement global communism . You will own nothing and be happy  The EU has borrowed endlessly implementing negative interest rates and now they have destroy the pension of all of the EU.. To distract the people the EU needs a war.. History repeats itself... The Nazi went after the Jews and the Western World using same game plan is demonizing everyone who is Russian..

I think this is a shot across the bow of those who are thinking of leaving Tesla because of the office work policy. Elon is telling the employees that they have no leverage.

Everyone is going to have to realize that we ARE heading this way and the days of fox guarding the hen house is over. I Bet in ten years the Fed will be gone

The market creates stupid investors, Stupid investors create a bear market, The bear market creates smart investors, Smart investors create a bull market. Those who understand this cycle create wealth in the stock market.

Of course closing down our energy independence had nothing to do with this.

Also, i cant wait until congress finds out that if you type the wrong address when transferring wallets, you lose all your money. Lol. Clearly will be forced to be fixed.