EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Go Mr Gonzalez! Super excited to see that congress isn't nearly what the media has made  them out to be. However, very disappointed in my two female reps from Michigan. Very embarrassing. They will only be forgotten because Mr. Sherman was even more ignorant

The question is how stable is USDC

Don't know how I stopmed onto this. All in all Awesome  . I also have been watching those rather similar from mStarTutorials and kinda wonder how you guys create these vids. MSTAR TUTORIALS also had amazing information about similiar money making things on his channel.

du kwooon entertain us with his obsesion...

I'm sure fed can handle inflation by printing more money!

EU countries need to decouple from China.When will these companies learn? Move manufacturing out of China. To Vietnam, Mexico or somewhere else, becuase this will keep happening. Now imagine of China invades Taiwan. How badly that ll mess up the supply chains. US

How to get views 101, say Tesla stock is a bubble.

Go to Harvard for running a legalgrey pyramid scheme on planet scale.

Jesus, he literally only had 15 seconds of material and just bumbled over the same talking point for 3 min too long...this guy is a clown

That zandi guy was predicting market fall in 2019

What are the benefits of media exaggerating things like potential inflation and turning into an unsolvable crisis?  Do you miss all the drama that Trump could give you on a daily basis for news?  Back off using words like crisis until it is one.

This would be a perfect time for Satoshi Nakamoto to show up.

10:44 the arrogance of this guy,  get off your phone how disrespectful to the man sitting directly behind you can you be. you know the camera is on so do you not conduct yourself with the the professional dignity your job deserves. he has disrespected the people he works with and himself.

it can... if Biden stops printing money