Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:49 PM

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He is so handsome I have trouble listening because of that haha

Great . Learned a lot. thanks

This is an awesome . You packed this perfectly and were very detailed and precise.  Thanks you!

2nd candle would be a hammer candle correct? Which is a bullish reversal pattern seen at Dow trends right ?-

so much knowledge from you, i still cant find setups (and timeframes) to trade i did read your ebooks lost interest for a long period of time in 2018  :( will try again starting new year, with a kind of written plan this time  i also have a visual tip for you, since all charts end up to the right edge of screen, try to put your small window with you on the left edge of the screen ;)

How to develop an intraday strategy ?

You're awesome! I hope passing on this gift of knowledge for free comes back to you 100 fold.

All thanks to *crystal tech* for helping me.

Watching your s helped me so much. You have helped me become a profitable trader.

Very clear and culminating information. The transition from beginner level to advanced level understanding was easily followed. I plan to use this knowledge with paper money while watching some more of your s and establish my own strategy! Thanks for the wealth of knowledge!

Excellent.. first time watching your vids.. great presentation

I laughed hard when you said "you will be tortured emotionally". So true