Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:49 PM

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Is Wycoff part of your analysis?


cribed. A nice balance between getting to the point, and going into details.

he's the best guru in  community

Amazing simple analysis. cribed.

heyy you are keep on improving us day by day thankyou so much.

Great !! Only suggestion would be to discuss the different chart indicators (i.e. 20EMA) and features (i.e Fibonacci retracement) a little more in depth because I am relatively new at this and you had me up until halfway through the  because you started using different functions of the chart which caused me to pause and research to keep the pace. All in all, I know WAAAAAAAY more than I previously did. If you already have another  breaking down the features and functionalities of charts than I apologize. Cheers

Too complex!! Wish you slow down and help novices

Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information! Please, keep going!

You explained order block in the simplest way possible.  I kept wondering why my choice of order block doesn't work & now I can see that it has to break structure for it to be valid. Thanks man.

 we owe you all of this! God bless you.