Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:49 PM

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written rules said' body' of candle had to be across EMA

I truly appreciate, your time and effrot for the educational contents you provide, they are easy to follow and ver informative.  I would like to know what broker you use to do your trades. i am using etoro and i cannot connect it to tradingview app.

I have to say, I really appreciate your s. Have learned a ton just from your s. Am up 28% for my first 3 months of trading on my own. Had lost in the 1st. But as I continued watching and i started getting more stable with better temperament bc feeling more confident in what I'm doing.

Thank you.. learning from Pakistan

Always wanted to Learn Smart Money trading, you made me understand a lot. thank you and keep posting the good stuff. cribed.

You dropped a lot of gems  thanks a lot

How can I buy you lunch? I'm serious

TA is pseudoscience, I hope none takes this seriously

Please can you mentor me I really have passion for this

So this is the patterns from what the week? or couple days before? how does this affect how the stock is going to do tomorrow?

A Useful  which Ive learned a good amount from! How long have you been Trading for ?