Forex Today: Dollar advances in quiet trading

Started by OZER, Dec 29, 2021, 10:56 PM

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Nice  and great work.It nice to see others who are benefiting in cryptocurrency we all will be millionaires soon believe me, currently my portfolio is $120,000

%3 interest rate will bankrupt the US. It's simply not possible to raise it that high which means if inflation ever manages to slip and expectations enter a loop, there will be absolutely no way to tame it back. The US has to start paying back the debts for which it needs to let go of the strong dollar insistance that creates almost a trillion dollar deficit every year.

The only way to fix inflation is to bring the collapse of 2008-2009 back.

Inflation is a tax on consumers that doesnt require a vote in Congress.

et against America! love from India ️️.

Sherman is a vampire!!! A globalist gnome!!!

Q Which country was the first to manufacture Virus ? to take down growing countries

All  of this reminds of the congressional hearings on the internet in the 1990s

Why do we allow a 3rd party (CFTC) to manipulate crypto prices!!?? Do you know why crypto was invented? Here's a brief understanding if you don't know__It was launched in 2009 by someone (or a group of people) that goes by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It was created in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis as a way for people to control their money themselves, without having to rely on companies, banks, or governments and their fees and controls-NOW ITS TAXED!

Ask the 1500 new billionaires created during COVID to return the stolen currency?

I wonder how someone can remain so confident when their predictions have been wrong so many times over the years

Tesla has always been a bubble waiting to burst for 5 years straight

Housing inflation ripples into every business in our nation.    The housing shortage and high cost of living are caused by zoning laws that limit density to protect the wealthy from being impacted by the poor. Supply and demand can't work when government is limiting the supply.