Turkey's lira slides 5%; cenbank says it will monitor forex risks

Started by OZER, Dec 29, 2021, 10:53 PM

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Stop increasing money supply to stop inflation. Econ 101

Wow ya'll Got this Wrong ,  We Getting some money to hold and Pay Tax, Shop, and Put into Cash  .  What is Omicron  ?   not Gold

If someone would actually model Teslas EPS on just the car business to 2025, I would listen to their case.

What corporation will the government bail out with our tax dollars?

, now is the best time to buy. Peter Schiff, the market will crash & you ll lose everything.  Glad I'm in 's camp last decade.

Tesla may be a bubble what a joke Tesla and Elon Musk are on a whole other level. Tesla is the biggest robotic company in the world. The solar, dojo, software among many other sectors. 2022 will see a other 50 percent in stock price rising.

THE TRAIN CANNOT BE STOPPED. you can throw band aids at cancer patients it doesn't do anything.  Get ready for the reset.

Depending on China for goods & wasting 2 trillion dollars on a war is how we got here.

Oh, I thought we were being told that inflation is a good thing now?

80% off all democrats have BTC from the stolen money that they need to hide and store somewhere els liberal make me sick

s during the Restrictions this would not happen ️️️