Turkey's lira slides 5%; cenbank says it will monitor forex risks

Started by OZER, Dec 29, 2021, 10:53 PM

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This is a hangover of the Trump administration exacerbated by Covid

If someone would actually model Teslas EPS on just the car business to 2025, I would listen to their case.

Every graduate degree in the US is actually in woke studies, so I dont see those being all that useful.

Can somebody please........explain to me........why some Board Members keep conveniently waiting to "reclaim their time back" on my man Mr. Alliare when he droppin some knowledge!!?!  Every time he gives a solid rebuttal to one of their concerns they wanna cut him off! I'd be sick yo, they betta let that man speak

according to  anything that's going up is in a bubble

Just wait. The markets will all drop by 4% min by the end of the week. Meanwhile gold, the dollar and Bitcoin will all plummet too.