Turkey's lira slides 5%; cenbank says it will monitor forex risks

Started by OZER, Dec 29, 2021, 10:53 PM

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6:02 Just like raising the minimum wage to some absurd amount of money

ALPP... Alpine 4 Holdings.. NOW 13 companies in 1 ..U.S. Manufacturing Conglomerate. Up 77 % year.

Feds goals of price stability and full employment are contradictory. Expansionary monetary policy impacts asset prices more than the labor market.

Do you know anything you are talking  not just for clikbait ??

That what happens when you print 2 trillion $ out of thin air.

No analysis of the risks to manufacturing in Vietnam and China if Omicron or other variants spread there. These two manufacturing hubs have already been slow to recover since Delta. He's underestimating the potential of further disruption.

No govt in the world can control inflation permanently unless they design people friendly policy prioritising public welfare instead of indulging too much on corporate giants as has been doing since decades. Unfortunately, all global leaders (so called) have turned themselves into slave  (may be puppet) of business magnets which is due to lack of statesmanship in their character. Needless to say that the benefits (legal and financial) offered to corporate houses as compared to common people in most of the countries shows incapability of policymakers to nullify social and economic disparity. At the end, the emphasis developed nations are giving in arms trade to generate revenue and security from other nations will put them under unmanageable socioeconomic disaster unless they change their mindset towards real wellbeing of common mass who elected them imposing tightest possible restrictions and vigilance on all corporate bodies.

Not one mention of the Fed's balance sheet or total money supply