Turkey's lira slides 5%; cenbank says it will monitor forex risks

Started by OZER, Dec 29, 2021, 10:53 PM

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Banks are 3rd party scams. After what they did to me, i dont want to hear them crying to me when crypto disrupts them. They deserve everything coming.

watch?v=hvcDk74cir0www..comjust make laws requireing everyone to work and that will stop inflation.........worked after the plague https:

Don't worry guys, they said it's transitory... also the Vax is perfectly safe.

So short answer "LoL of course not you financial noobs" listen people they are stuck printing money. They cannot stop.

Q Which country was the first to manufacture Virus ? to take down growing countries

Shortages hospital beds for Covid patients doctors must choose who get taken or not to hospital

Inflation is devaluation of the currency, which, because of massive debt and the continual printing of dollars, I believe will continue until we have an economic collapse.

a pound of apples sold for 1,29, and bought for less than 6ct at the holy "international market". all of us are falling for the grocery store scam. and the best is, you folks now start buying stuff at a local farmers market? those apples should be costing less than one Dollar a pound for sure. more likely one Dollar per Kilo. or do you fall for the "buy local" scam now?

LOL Alma Adams, how many black empowered women work for your company, Jesus can we get serious.