Turkey's lira slides 5%; cenbank says it will monitor forex risks

Started by OZER, Dec 29, 2021, 10:53 PM

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SIESTA?Squirt.   Gaze: "Amazed"  Lips: "Sensual"  Smile: "Sweeter"  Body: "Colder"  Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.  #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков #垃圾Dating Special for you  NUDE.SNAPGIRLS.TODAY

BoA just started charging me the monthly $12 checking account maintenance fee again.

Simple get rid of democrats and their obscene desire to print money

Q Why chinese Villages get only 23 Mb per second Internet speed..

The Philips curve does not model time lags in employment and inflation as we have seen in the last two recessionary cycles' effects.

Greed is also the problems. The wage is raise and so the landlords and other field of businesses start to change the price to enrich themselves more.

How about this. Wallstreet needs to get titans together to help deliver vaccines to the rest of the world otherwise we will continue to have these variants hitting growth every so often. Is it going to be in the next three months that another variant causes another major sell-off and growth slow down?

One thing is clear, California politicians are a mess and embarrassment.

The FED will continue to increase the money supply and destroy currency purchasing power until it collapses one day. And doesnt really matter what words are coming out of their mouths, just look at the history and you will see.

wealth growth. That growth is mostly happening in real estate and especially in the stock markets. So the rich are soaking up the vast majority of any actual increases.The problem is that inflation isn't really tracking with general income