Crypto assets inspire new brand of collectivism beyond finance

Started by OZER, Dec 29, 2021, 10:51 PM

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You print more money, you will have inflation. Anything apar is an outlier not a reality

REMOVE THE CELL PHONES FROM CONGRESS MEMBERS. As a collective employer  we should require their utmost attention.

Who else thinks  should get some gold high lights in his hair to get the Rock Star of Stocks look?  ;-)

Yeahbig gains wont come till the Republicans destroy the libs in the midterms  doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Rep Waters' questions so naive & unrealistic it is clear that she has NO understanding of PAXOS or cryptocurrencies

Want to stop inflation? Simple: just stop printing.

Inflation cannot be stopped unless the Dollar goes back to the gold standard or some other form of backing by real value asset and capped currency supply.   JFK was killed for trying to do just that.