Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 09:02 PM

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Just saw that inflation just reached 6.8% (the highest in 39 years). If Jpow doesn't stop with his printer, inflation in 2022 could be wild af

Biden forcing the media to advertise a certain, and untruthful, message is exactly a fascism dictatorship. But you all voted for tyrants, thus you get tyranny.

I can say McHenry did his homework. He is quite knowledgeable about the topic.

Lmao imagine saying that inflation happens because someone asks for a raise. What about not lying for once? People are desperately asking for a raise trying to keep up with the rampant inflation that money printing creates

Artificial Intelligence Stocks Seeing GROWTH... XDSL... VSBGF... FOBIF.. New Acquisitions, New Contracts, Increasing Revenue.

Yeah, raise interest rates by .25% every 6 months until you reach 2%, then stop! The reason raising rates screws up the economy is that they go too fast. Give those Fed governors each a lollypop and tell them to chill. 3% is too high and it will accelerate economic decline.  Productivity has increased per actual human man hours. If you go by dollars per productivity, it will be wrong every time. Union busting has contributed to income inequality. The Fed always overreacts in either direction. They actually cause instability.

Now now gen z is going to be gen z. Obviously they are not going to buy boomer stocks like Disney right

The more you are resistant the more you are schooled, eloquently.

No mention of the Federal Reserve ? (Interest rates) need to be raised from its rock bottom state to slow inflation. Fed needs to taper its easy monetary policy asap

Brian Brooks like the dad in the room educating everyone