Forex reserves decline by $160 million to $635.67 billion

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 09:00 PM

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, I'm still waiting for the Santa Claus rally you called. And reaffirmed.

I once heard someone say that something that cant last forever will end

When he first started speaking and straighten his eyeglasses you knew he was going in

NO! And is very dangerous, inflation and higher taxes, ppl gonna look to other countries to move. Biden and democrats are the worse thing that happened to the country  Democrats are the masters of corruption and deception, they are not your friends, they are the corporate puppets.

The problem is that you think you live in a democracy with a vote.  But do you know what those people do once they are voted into office?  Get a clue! Things have not changed for 40 years regardless whos in office!!  Guess why?? Wake up!!


I'm broke, not buying anything. I'm a patriot and doing my part

 have an immensely microscopic 3 trillion economy that will never be able to measure up to china's large well endowed 17 trillion economy

When there is a rate cut in interest, the govt is giving its borrowers easier access to money. When inflation is high, govt will increase interest rate to control and lessen money in circulation.

That's right RISK that's the one, oceans of liquidity yer, who is this guy I want to follow  Yer Opportoonity man  No the market is going g to crash no one wants to be the last holding the bag. Crypto gona crash too.

80% off all democrats have BTC from the stolen money that they need to hide and store somewhere els liberal make me sick

Only suckers will believe Feds.   Put all money into Bitcoin.... Feds are high on drugs.