Argo Blockchain among most traded stocks by Fidelity customers

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:54 PM

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I hate these idiots. I've lost so much money just for being a U.S. citizen.

Who made bitcoin? How many bitcoin does the owner have? If the maker off bitcoin sold all hes bitcoin what will that do to the crypto space?

Ive been listening to this guy for a while and he seems to be on top of things.

commerce educated) opinion, the most bubbly thing right now? S&P 500.OK I hate how their definition of a bubble is super unclear. Tulips were also a "thing", like lumber, and in 1600s Netherlands that was the DEFINITION of a bubble. So I'm going to take a stab at this definition - Supply chain causing shortage is not a buf, bubbles exist on a scale. In my (not economicallybble, because demand has not gone up due to speculation. Seriously, who's going to speculate on lumber? Maybe a few individuals, but speculation itself is difficult to do, and everyone believed prices will come down. Housing right now is more of a bubble, because demand has gone up due to the pandemic, it's drawing investors, and creating a cycle of inflating prices. But Odyssey guy is right, there is a supply issue too. Prices going us is not a bubble, speculation and investors over-stretching due to FOMO creates a bubble. It's also not a boolean t

No. 1. It's by design 2. The Petro Dollar is over, u guys won't wake up.

all you need ia to invest $10 in bitcoin and by 2023 you will retire billionaire, the fact that 2 trillion BBB was not approved and virus spike and inflation that is only getting started fed raising rates and stopping money printer will not effect any gain even though they all come at the same time, $10 that is all you need to retire in 2023 i promise you that Elon musk sent a secret tweet that was leaked and it proves that parralel univers exists and when two stars line up it will open doors between the worlds and that is when humans from the future will travel through black hole back in time to warn us that we are being harvested by mashines to travel to the future to fight alien speacies that control our subconsciosness by using telecenetics that they transmit through gravity and if you want to unplug from the system i want you to give full and undevided attention to my voice and concetrate fully on my middle finger and repeate after me... brim barum big badabum... and now your chakras are clear.

<Thank you for your s mate. I will advice traders esp newbies to have orientation of trading before they get involved in it because the cyrpto market has been unstable, forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses. when news gets bearish start buying. "Keep it simple" That correction was the best thing that happened me. but all thanks to William Henry Morgan for his amazing skills for help me to earn 7 BTC through trading chart. I believe we are in the spring phase >

Big-AI logistic companies can always exploit this with their CCP supply chain monopoly if we don't implement our local manufacturer supply chain infrastructure. Logistic-pilot must have fault tolerance and fire those stupid Big-IT. They don't know what they are doing, just like those CCP easily bribed Wall Street investment brokers.