Argo Blockchain among most traded stocks by Fidelity customers

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:54 PM

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How can inflation exist in a zero interest climate where wages are stagnant? Sorry, being Australian I don't get that (Australia is big but our economy is medium sized).  It's different here. We have all the above but we are having a stupidly wild housing market - everywhere.  People are greedy & stupid, rates will rise. When the US ups it's interest rates, a lot of Australians will learn that a $1,000,000 loan on a $120,000 income is not wise.

 World  rip off.Follow the MONEY. The great American

Are the people in charge of the Federal Reserve voting their own financial interests or those of the very rich or their own obligation to the country?

, Inside man, IMO is being fed information to spew on T.V by take a guess who? Lol  Markets have peaked, and will eventually crash more than 95% ++++++ over the next decade.  This chap or  can fool the masses but not me. Hilarious

coinbase needs to figure out why they keep going down every time cryptos start to run or crash and you can't log into their platform nor try to execute trades. Because they always seem to conveniently go down when time is of an essence.

lol if this guy isn't bullish right now, then wec an expect a crash

The hate that all the media such as , ABC and others have on testa seriously

When the big gamblers on the Wall Street sucking tax blood money from Fed are stopped. When unregulated shadow banks like BlackRock are in incharge of both Fed and stock markets  - bubbles will keep blowing.

The poor Will have to invade the richest, just to be able to live

3:30 "I'm not looking to play stock market here, but let's play stock market. What does the stock market now tell you about the stock market later jim?"