Argo Blockchain among most traded stocks by Fidelity customers

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:54 PM

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s during the Restrictions this would not happen ️️️

 senators make 150. all this needs to stop they stole the money from us I think they can pay off the national debt and inflation does not help nobody we can see it today.Ronald Reagan started the sparrow of wages he said trickle down economics but the problem it never got to the workers only to the CEOs they make 350 times more than average worker in Congress

Only suckers will believe Feds.   Put all money into Bitcoin.... Feds are high on drugs.

his and ark funds ' prediction are based on the criminal fed not hiking rate 10 times a year

Maintaining stable prices is not one of the Federal reserves goals. If you understand exponential growth then even at their smallest 2% stated goal of inflation you have extraordinary results in just a couple decades.  When you realize the national deficit was less than one trillion dollars in 1980 this starts to make sense. This system is not sustainable and we are near the end.

Just saw that inflation just reached 6.8% (the highest in 39 years). If Jpow doesn't stop with his printer, inflation in 2022 could be wild af

No, it cannot. The US is completely addicted to inflation. Inflation is simply an expansion of the money supply, not the CPI or whatever nonsense the silly government says it is. Is the US government going to stop expanding the money supply? Never. It's literally impossible.

Our raises already got sucked away.. We're tired of getting screwed so we decided NOT to buy much at all just the basics screw Chinia and the GREEDY corporations who make record profits and screw the employees

 mirage 2000 crashed a few weeks ago in Madhya Pradesh.

THE TRAIN CANNOT BE STOPPED. you can throw band aids at cancer patients it doesn't do anything.  Get ready for the reset.