Argo Blockchain among most traded stocks by Fidelity customers

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:54 PM

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The next 1000x BSC gem - Angry Floki. Do not miss out on itits the next big thing in crypto!!!!

The most stupid is how some commentators and politicians just want to be against anything that FED does and now are talking about how they should raise the interest rates. Economics does not work like there is some magical lever you would put up and inflation would just stop. People in FED are not some idiots and they at least kind of know what they are doing, in opposition to politicians.

Good.... this means buy up stocks 1st half and enjoy the rise later in the year

It great time when you have multiple bubbles that can pop. Wild time we live in. Maybe I will make a film about that crash on my YT.

Tesla and btc worst investment if you jump on now Apple and Microsoft better they hold there growth and mean something

No. Here's a better question, though: does the US WANT to stop inflation?

Why not get a group of educated economists that know what they are talking about to use in a major news story? Thanks for nothing.

zero chance as long as Fed is serving its masters on wall street - the Goldmans, the Morgans and the BlackRocks

Evelyn Alene Rhines is the best, recommending her to all beginners who wants to recover losses like I did.

Wow, they do not talk about the real problem: the government deficit. So far this 2021: $6.8T spent, $4T collected from taxes. Simply, incompetence. A crash will come, they are just putting it off; flying higher, the fall will be harder.