Argo Blockchain among most traded stocks by Fidelity customers

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:54 PM

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Inflation is a product of labor and pay checks not spending by the Fed and business Republicans would like to increase the labor shortage by keeping the Mexican labor their donors are bring in out of the country. The shortage probably comes because people in their 60s and 70s used the pandemic to retire. And labor shortages may not mean everyone is employed, rural people who won't go to a job are not going to be employed. The last 10 or 20% of employment are people with similar problems, some failed to be motivated and reliable maybe before high school, others say I don't want to work at Walmart or Amazon, and other personal issues that lead to a life of mostly unemployment.

Lol why Bitcoin and Tesla? Why not the entire US economy? Selection bias... Idgaf about your 1970s investor sentiment...

My god this comment section is full of morons, pump and dumpers really have convinced millions


Дислеймер, не финансовый совет*

It seems that this  a couple of days late to be uploaded

Why would they want to stop inflation when an explicit goal of the Fed is the continuous devaluation of the USD?

I'm from Ukraine but so happy to see US regulators attitude and ceos delivery, 5 hours of smooth enjoyment!

To US goverment : less warmongering, care more for the people

yr50 should lvl out b4 we make another run. Housing is also related to money printing, if you put 50% more money in the hands of the public obviously house prices will adjust to that... this ones just not in a bubble at all, will likily keep rising 5-10%so if gme went from 2 bucks to over 300 i have no problem with a 50% correction, it is in fact not in a bubble as its shorted 120% again (yes its not worth the current price but the shorts will have to cover)... id rather make a 200% gain and watch it lose 50% than a 30% gain on the year. btc movement is directly related to the dilution of currencies globally, it's been overleveraged by longs and the recent correction was those folks getting liquidated, once its closer to 50

watch?v=JkBpQG3FJwUwww..comCOME ON MAN!THE BALLAD OF SLEEPY JOE is our New   that reaffirms all of JOE BIDENs weak disastrous policies! https:

Inflation was always there, it was just hidden with low cost goods.  Try comparing a Lawnmower from the 70s that was proudly made in America to one that is created today made cheaply in China. The older Lawn mower is built to last where as the one made today would break in a couple of years (by design so customer has to buy a new one).  This is how China has become a super power because to hide inflation the super rich in democratic countries in the world, outsourced labor to China to make cheaper goods.  It is all so the super rich dont have to pay much for workers.  Keep goods and services cost low, keep pay low, keep taxes low. If anything disrupts this mantra, it would result in less money for the super rich.  Now that China has become so powerful that they can now start charging more for their goods, it means the super rich of the democratic countries that used China for cheap labor has no choice but to pass the cost on to their working class.  Its also the reason for the trade war with China, and moving cheap labor to South East Asia, war torn countries like Pakistan, or slave like labor (Blood Diamond like operations) in Africa.     Inflation exists because of greed.  Greed is not going anywhere.