Argo Blockchain among most traded stocks by Fidelity customers

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:54 PM

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If you own Tesla stock Bitcoin and apple you will have a very comfortable and cushy future, while all around you people will be fighting over a potato.

Watch his podcast with Josh,  is pretty bullish till roughly 2029. Call him crazy but this guy is smart and been right for years so far

if the fed can: a) stop population growth b) stop people who invent new things like technology which take away jobs c) provide 100% job security

waEglmyG6Ioyoutu.beWhaou  Great Reset by Draghi https:

Aggregate demand is being pumped up bc of extra money printed by the fed.....aggregate supply is constrained bc of pandemic....hence we get higher prices....the fed needs to gradually raise rates....they have been too low for too long  ...

Funny how nobody mentioned "stealing" as an equivalent of gambling in bubbles. Commoners blame Wall Street for this speculative behavior, yet copy them...

Consume and waste less. Stop over using  gas guzzlers for your commute. Don't waste energy (power and utilities). That should help.

work against inflation only in high dosages when it is worthy to stop lending money and put them into FED deposit instead. 4. Deposit rates do not fight against inflation in short-term but in mid-term, because commercial banks have to wait until their money come back and investment bank can not use FED deposit, so you have to wait until people take money from their investment accounts to normal accounts. By this money flows out of the stock and bond market which slows the inflation 5. In the long term deposit rates actually makes inflation higher because all that money for the deposit return has to be printed by FED.   So thank God that FED holds ground and is not panicking. This inflation is just a price for rescuing the US economy in 2020. When you printed trillions and put them into the economy it has some consequences, nothing is for free.

Get rid of the fed go back on the gold standard stop endless bills and spending, dump the tax code and re write the entire thing so Amazon, Google and the like pay taxes on actual earnings not something made up. Most people pay more taxes by % of what they make then these big companies. Entire system is built to help the 1%.

Where are the  defenders? They have claimed he has nailed it the last 3 weeks and he has been wrong over and over.

The Fed printing more money will just slow down the economic collapse, it will eventually happen one day, and it's not just in the US, any other countries have the same chance. This is why I invest in crypto. Not a financial advice of course but if you look back in history, bitcoin's price just keeps getting higher unlike fiat money we have today.

Nice ! I was able to build a big income stream during the covid-19 pandemic investing with a professional broker, Mrs Elizabeth Wesley.