Argo Blockchain among most traded stocks by Fidelity customers

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:54 PM

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If they can stop people from opting out of the dollar system using crypto and stop people creating their own printing machine using pegged coins maybe.

This is to help create bag holders were long long overdue for a 20% plus correction. The FED wont stop printing money and hyperinflation will set in.

So if you print %40 of the monetary supply ever you experience unprecedented inflation? Im intrigued.

LOL when I hear the 2 % preferred rule... Have they ever done a good job of keeping that the average rate.. LOL! I think the average rate has been more closer to like 3 or 4% over the last 40 years, let me know if Im wrong. I like learning more than I like being right by a lot.

NO!  How other than stop printing money and wasting money on unproductive military expenditures?

Nice ! I was able to build a big income stream during the covid-19 pandemic investing with a professional broker, Mrs stacy maya.

The Fed not going to stop inflation as a matter of fact there trying to destroy there system and trying to give us a NEW SYSTEM aka The Great Reset aka Green New Deal were they will be in FULL control of our currency then the FED would be out of control to do what ever they want. The problem is the American people are watching them and Physical Gold, Silver and Crypto on blockchains are in there way.

So what got resolved was this a horse and pony show??? Everyones masked up like good actors

when  ever turns bearish, I'm selling everything and short the hell out of the marketIf

*Senator:* "but if you don't sell a product, then how do you make money!?!?!?"  *Bogdanoff:* "Senator......we pull rugs"

he year 2020 when FED printed about 30% of the money supply of 2019 and now it is floating into the economy. This inflation is the price for saving of US economy in 2020 and a couple years of higher inflation is definitively better than another economic crisis.    The problem for FED is that they can not solve it, because the problem is not caused by something they are doing now, but something they did a year ago.