Argo Blockchain among most traded stocks by Fidelity customers

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:54 PM

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Getting through Mr. Shermans statement without dying of laughter is a very respectable feat.

With Major changes going on around the world economy is safe to say things have not remained the same, a lot of people became jobless in the twinkle of an eye, bills pilling up, its only wise as humans we start looking for other ways to generate income to sort out basic needs and also enjoy the good things of life. Earlier this year I ventured into crypto currency trading with the help of Mr. Rowe Edward an expert trader who provide me with signal which I simply copy and trade so far I have made a profit of 10 BTC from my initial 0.2 BTC investment, I never thought I would achieve such if not for his support. If you are a beginner or looking for the safest way to invest in crypto I urge you to contact him, hes on tele-gram; @EdwardRowe. I wish yall the best

Buying power has fallen for any 2 year period since 1968.  So this news is >50 years to late.  We are now in the same cycle of all unlimited governments swapping between Fascism, Communism, and Fundamentalism.  The only solution now is Exodus and leave the Nazi planet behind.

IMO,  nailed it this time. Bot this week, then an assault on all-time highs thereafter. The Omicron headline you haven't heard yet, unfortunately, is that this variant will end the pandemic. A HUGE headline, and you definitely want to be well-positioned when that is released. Too bad about Bitcoin- Lee had it going to 100K this year and all signals I am looking at say crypto is in it's final phase (I am using BITO puts to short BTC whenever it spikes). Good luck and good health to all.

When he first started speaking and straighten his eyeglasses you knew he was going in

According to Michael Novogratz, CEO of Galaxy Digital and prominent advocate of the cryptocurrency industry, Ethereum currently stands as a more attractive investment option than Bitcoin. According to Novogratz, Bitcoin essentially acts as a hedge against inflation, while its rival Ethereum has more of an edge in a tech world.

 generations are attracted to different fields and positions.
 I don't really care about skin color as much as Americans. I'd rather a team of passionate individuals of any group as long as their goals are genuine, good vaules and going to improve lives. MK did say" I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."  Now all some people look at is on the outside when it's the inside that should count.culturesLittle weird to me this diversity priority. I bought Polygon a crypto which was founded by a team in India. 92 % of software developers are male and to focus so much on diversity seems problematic.  I dunno why when left to their own choices that different genders

Youre not gonna need a graduate degree. Many coding jobs dont even require a bachelors anymore. Gotta love legacy media and their Boomer advice.

Bitcoin isnt a bubble but an emerging market. Do you want internet to continue do you want digital Centralised finance from Government or do you want the Peoples Decentralised money wealth BITCOIN!!! THE Peoples wealth